Past News

Kent’s Korner

Green Valley vs. ‘Suburbia’ Symbiotic, Though Uniquely Different Experiences   As I drove to a Costco in Tucson last Sunday, I took a hard look at extensive residential home construction… Read more »

Next Conversation with Kent

Tuesday, August 7 at the West Center Auditorium from 9:00am to 10:30am. This will be the third conversation with Kent on the topic of communications. To view the notes from… Read more »

Kent’s Korner

I returned this week from my first real vacation in forever. Yes, ‘forever’ because I do not recall my last true vacation. My wife, daughter and I traveled to Ireland… Read more »

Kent’s Korner

I’m risk adverse. When it comes to GVR facilities, programs, and services, it’s safety first. No two ways about it, no equivocating. The last thing that anyone wants is for… Read more »

Kent’s Korner

Several positive key data points emerged from the 2018 GVR member survey results concerning communications. About 70% of survey respondents rated the communication from GVR or about GVR as ‘excellent’… Read more »

Canoa Ranch Carpeting

The Fitness Room and Lobby will be closed to install new carpeting beginning 5/28. Reopening is scheduled for 6/19

Kent’s Korner

On Monday, May 21, 2018, Green Valley Recreation, Inc. will finalize the purchase of the 10.8-acre Camino de la Canoa property for use as a GVR Pickleball Center.

Canoa Hills Golf Course

On April 17, Pima County Board of Supervisors voted four to one to accept the former Canoa Hills Golf Course property. The county will designate the property as part of… Read more »