Center Reservations

Welcome to Green Valley Recreation Reservations. It is our pleasure to work with GVR Members, GVR Clubs, HOA’s and Community Organizations. Please call Jody Crawford at (520) 625-3440 x 7202 or email her at if you would like to make a reservation. All room reservations are subject to availability.

Click here for the Reservation Request Form

GVR members may reserve GVR facilities at no cost as long as everyone who attends a function is a GVR member or a GVR guest (the guest(s) attending must live 20 miles or beyond from Green Valley). If you are making a reservation, you must ensure that guests attending have a proper guest pass.

GVR members who want to reserve a room on an ongoing basis may reserve a room for up to three months at a time. See Three-month Reservation Option.

Everyone attending an event must sign in by either swiping their membership or guest card, or signing an attendance sheet.


Approved Caterers

GVR Caterers

GVR has a list of approved caterers you may hire for your events. See the link above. We pre-approve the caterers to assure they have the proper Pima County license and health permits and insurance. Caterers must be selected from this list. Please note approved caterers are charged a fee of $50 per event for the use of GVR facilities.



  • GVR is a non-profit organization. We do rent our facilities to for-profit organizations for a fee. See fee sheet, which includes room sizes.
  • Any group that includes non-GVR members is considered a non-member group and rental fees are charged for facility use.
  • All non-GVR groups must submit (in writing) a request for a room with details about the event before a reservation is approved.
  • Attendees must sign the GVR attendance sheet at events.
  • All reservations must have one contact person who will sign the contract. The contact person must read, sign and agree to the Terms and Conditions. See Terms and Conditions form.