2022-2026 Strategic Plan

Throughout much of 2021, GVR Board and staff worked to finalize and flesh out a strategic plan to guide the organization over the next five years.

The Mission Statement was adjusted:

To provide excellent facilities and services that create opportunities for recreation, social activities, and leisure education to enhance the quality of our members’ lives.

The Vision Statement was totally redrafted:

To be a friendly, vibrant community of choice for adults desiring lifelong opportunities for physical, mental, and social engagement.

The following five high-level goals were identified:

1. Provide excellent facilities for members to participate in a variety of active and social opportunities

2. Provide quality services and programs that effectively meet the recreational, social and leisure education needs of our membership, allocating resources to support those programs

3. Promote increased involvement of members in GVR

4. Cultivate and maintain a sound financial base that generates good value for our members

5. Provide sound, effective governance and leadership for the corporation

And then the fun and challenging part began:

See below for the complete goals, initiatives, tasks and timeline.


We invite members to follow along and participate as we tackle this ambitious plan. One way to participate is to meet with the CEO to discuss and provide feedback. Please consider this a standing invitation to meet with Scott Somers on the third Tuesday of any month at 8:30am, in the Juniper Room at Las Campanas, starting March 15, 2022. Help us plan refreshments. Email hotline@gvrec.org and let us know you’re coming and how many will be in your party.

The Process

This plan began with a Request for Proposals distributed by our then-new CEO, Scott Somers. Three finalist firms were selected and each gave a presentation to the Board of Directors via Zoom. The Board then selected Zelos, LLC to facilitate.

Zelos began with an information-gathering phase in which they reviewed a number of GVR documents including the latest available comprehensive member survey (2018). They interviewed 64 people including members, staff, and current and former Board members. Then they conducted a limited survey of the membership which gleaned 2,814 (11.7% of membership) usable responses.

Highlights of the Survey:

75% of respondents live in Green Valley year-round

8% of respondents own more than one GVR property

85% of respondents had accessed GVR recreation opportunities in the previous three years

Respondents liked GVR’s quantity and variety of recreation opportunities, the staff, and working out (80% of respondents had used fitness centers!). All recreation programs and offerings got good to excellent ratings.

Respondents most wanted to see improvements in fitness facilities, making important decisions in a timely fashion, communication and responsiveness, professionalism of Board behavior.

Click HERE for the full Survey Results Report

The results of the survey, the 2018 survey, interviews, forums, and countless conversations with members were crucial to the process the Board and staff then went through to identify GVR’s priorities. We thank everyone who took the time to share their thoughts and look forward to hearing more from all of you.