Water Aerobics at Canoa Ranch

Cannot believe the decision to schedule Water Aerobics 6 days a week! Who is responsible for making such a decision that would affect so many other people who were not even given a change to have a vote?
I have been paying dues sine 1979 – several of those years I paid double dues after also purchasing a lot in GV. My husband and I did not move to Green Valley until 1984 and rarely took advantage of GVR since we were avid golfers. That was our choice. However, I never felt that when the time came to make a change that I could be excluded from participating by a small interest group. I have read with dismay the thousands of dollars spent for the relatively small group of people demanding more pickleball courts – a demand to which you have overwhelmingly acquiesced.

GVR discontinued water aerobics classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Canoa Ranch.