Promote Safety and Security!

Anyone – anytime and anywhere – may experience an emergency, but being prepared mitigates risks, even saves lives. Most individuals are willing to help in times of crisis, but many do not because they just don’t know what to do.
Preparation and people are what it takes to provide for safe and secure experiences, and GVR’s Safety Orientation Seminars and SOS Volunteer Program are designed to do just that.

These programs have significant goals: promote safe environments for members and guests; improve outcomes and mitigate risks that otherwise would result in health and safety issues; assist with issues of facility security, rules and regulations; verify GVR membership status; provide helpful educational information; enhance hospitality; and, provide an economic operational savings to the corporation.
Since September 2018, GVR hosts monthly one-hour Safety Orientation Seminars conducted by community experts. Discussions are held shortly thereafter at all 13 GVR centers. Individuals attending these discussions are encouraged to become SOS Volunteers, willing to step-up in case of emergencies.
If you are interested in learning something new, providing leadership, being socially connected, performing complex tasks, and being appreciated for your volunteer service and contributions to GVR, these programs are made for you!
SOS Volunteers receive a certificate and a patch for each seminar they attend, an “Alert Binder” to store seminar materials, an SOS Volunteer Handbook, a uniform shirt or vest, opportunities share their stories on the website, and other volunteer recognition.
This is the perfect opportunity for individuals who want to contribute to the ongoing success of GVR, but who may be unable to make long-term volunteer time commitments. Volunteers need only attend the monthly one-hour seminars and discussion groups, perhaps participate in short-term projects at their local GVR center, and attend a one-time, two-hour, SOS Volunteer training session.
Of course, participating volunteers also may help their neighbors in time of need, and provide leadership at their GVR centers, clubs, sports courts, studios, pools, fitness centers, performing arts venues, HOAs, churches – pretty much everywhere!
For more information about the Safety Orientation Seminars, Discussion Groups or becoming an SOS Volunteer click on the links below or contact GVR Volunteer Supervisor, Maureen McCarthy at 520-838-0160 or at
The quality of life you enhance and the life you save may be your own. Become an SOS Volunteer today!
Click Here for Schedule of Seminars
Click Here for SOS Seminar Comments
Tax Advice
Consumer Fraud Identity Theft
SOS Oral Health and Dental
Desert Meadows
Basic First Aid
Cold and Flu Season
Tap Water Safety in Green Valley
Sheriff Auxiliary and GVFD Fire Corps Volunteer Services
GVR APRA 2019 Outstanding Program “Active Adults 50+” Award Presentation Intro
SOS Seminar – July 10, 2019 – “Volunteering Is Good for Your Health”
SOS Seminar – June 19, 2019 – “Summer Safety”
Secrets to Long and Happy Living 10-4-2018
GVR Safety Orientation Seminar 9-6-2018 “Safety at GVR”