Pickleball – GVR Foundation

GVR-GVR Foundation Relationship Ad Hoc Committee Questions:
1.) Will the new pickleball complex be the only center open to the public (due to the fact that it well be paid for with GVR Foundation funds), or is GVR going to become a public recreation provider and open all of the GVR centers to the public?

2.) What has happened to the requirement of having a developer of a subdivision located within GVR boundaries pay for a new center? The GVR boundaries have been expanded and now include vacant land that will be built on in the future.

Questions were forwarded to GVR – GVR Foundation Relationship Ad Hoc Committee for answers:
1.) GVR will determine who has access to pickleball courts, and there is no plan to open courts to the public.

2.) There is no regulation on location of property owned by GVR.
GVR may own property that is not located within the current boundaries.