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The proposed GVR Pickleball Center will be located at 2612 S. Camino de la Canoa in Green Valley. The design of the GVR Pickleball Center is recommended by the Pickleball Center Design Group and endorsed by the Planning & Evaluation Committee. When fully built-out, the GVR Pickleball Center will include 24-courts, an instructional court with tiered seating, a 1,650 sq. ft. building complete with restrooms, a meeting space, kitchen, and a multi-use storage area. Each Pickleball Court is 34 ft. by 68 ft., aligned North-South to abbreviate solar glare, and each court will be encompassed by 8-ft chain link fencing. Between each court exist 4-ft fencing to allow for round-robin play, and each gathering space contains 10-ft wide walkways. The parking lot will accommodate 114 spaces, 24-ft two-way access aisles, and 4 ADA-compliant parking spaces. Low-water-use trees will provide shade for each court while minimizing debris shedding.

Check back here later for more updates.



  • July 1, 2019 – Mobilization of Construction
  • Mid-July – Construction commences.
  • July 16, Groundbreaking Ceremony of GVR Pickleball Center – Phase I construction

Click HERE to view the full GANTT chart.


Presentations from the GVR Board Work Session on Thursday, January 17, 2019

WSM GVR Member Forum Presentation on Thursday, December 13, 2018

WSM GVR Member Forum PresentationPickleball Development Forum Meeting Recording
