Board Candidate ResultsDirector Elect Kathi Bachelor, 1801 votes, 14.2%Director Elect Bev Lawless, 1734 votes, 13.7%Director Elect Barbara Blake, 1659 votes, 13.1%Director Elect Marjorie Garneau, 1640 votes, 12.9%Kathi Bachelor, 1801 votes, 14.2%Bev Lawless, 1734 votes, 13.7%Barbara Blake, 1659 votes, 13.1%Marjorie Garneau, 1640 votes, 12.9%Richard Sutherland, 1412 votes, 11.1%Joseph Magliola, 1332 votes, 10.5%Dennis Dixon, 1252 votes, 9.9%Eric Sullwold, 1013 votes, 8.0%Carl Charette, 837 votes, 6.6%Total Voters for ballot: 3354Turnout: 26.1% eligible voters2022 Annual Meeting MinutesApproved (98.0% v. 2.0%)

In the coming week at West Center and via Zoom:The Annual Meeting of the CorporationWednesday, March 29, 9amBoard of Directors Special MeetingWednesday, March 29, 10:30am-NoonIn a Special Meeting, new Board Officers will be elected.