Committee Update

Policy Governance (PG) Meeting

Effective September 1, 2020 your GVR Board of Directors implemented the Carver’s Policy Governance model. As a member, you should be seeing the board focus more on delegating day-to-day operations to the CEO, the review of policy, the monitoring of its own governing style and personal conduct, and monitoring overall CEO results. In addition, the board will be working toward improved communication with membership.


October 6, 2020 PG Meeting Summary:

Monitoring: The PG committee reviewed the start of use of policy monitoring tools including the September results from the “Cost of Governance” and “Governing Style” tools. Each month board and/or CEO policies as found in the Policy Governance Manual (PGM) will be formally monitored and reviewed.  In addition, results of the snowbird survey was reviewed. Results indicated many of our snowbirds planned to return in fall or winter.

Education: A draft PG orientation/training plan was developed by Jerry Humphrey and Chuck Soukup and committee member feedback was requested. The focus on this orientation/training will be for member/candidates running for the 2021 board of director positions.

Annual survey: The proposed annual member survey will be postponed due to concerns of inadequate data due to facility shutdown due to COVID. This isn’t the time to ask members about satisfaction regarding facility use. This project is postponed, but not tabled. Sandra Thornton and Ed Knop will continue working on the statement of purpose, the survey questions, and options for how to get the best representative sample of GVR members.

Communication with members: Most board committee chairs have agreed to submit a meeting summary to be posted in the weekly eblast. This allows members to be aware of what is happening without having to attend meetings.

Upcoming meeting: TBA


Submitted by: Beverly Tobiason & Bob Northrup