Chat with the CEO 4.6.21

Chat with the CEO 4.6.21

Location: Desert Hills

Attendees: 8


Most Common Themes

Improve communication, internal as well as external (especially to realtors)


What GVR Does Well

Water aerobics


Art studios and programs

“The wood shop is second to none.”

Cleanliness and maintenance of facilities

Meeting room availability for socials

Friendly, accommodating staff

The outreach to members in meetings like this, is welcome


What GVR Can Improve

Keep realtors informed

Plan custodial sweeps after an area sees high use (locker room after water aerobics, for example)

Communication with members about facility problems

Internal communication—front line staff need to be better informed

Support to clubs so their internal communications can improve



GVR offers many activities for less active folks—movies, lectures, card groups, etc. Maybe highlight those in communications

Favorite Thing?

We ran out of time