Chat with the CEO 3.15.21

Location: West Center

Attendees: 11


Most Common Themes

Improve communications, internal as well as external

Improve comportment of board—decrease habitual opposition


What GVR Does Well

The breadth and scope of the programming

Value for $

Studios and the variety of facilities—GVR recognizes that sports are not the only form of recreation

Facilities are kept clean and in good shape

In person, staff are friendly and responsive

Communication has improved

Volunteer appreciation



What GVR Can Improve

Internal communication—front line staff need to be better informed and heard

Expedite solutions: East Center Pool, Clubhouse parking lot

Be proactive vs reactive

The auditorium at WC needs many improvements—sight lines, acoustics, etc.

More meeting rooms and class rooms, especially those with specialized needs such as art rooms

The lack of continuity with board committees (which change every year) slows progress and derails projects

Celebrate/showcase successes

Favorite Thing?

Provides abundant opportunity to meet people and try new things

The variety and accessibility of activity options

Cultural events

Senior Games


Nuggets, Notions and Stray Thoughts Worth Considering

Improve member understanding of how dues are spent

Publish a “Comparative Value” piece

Conduct capital fundraising campaigns for big-ticket projects such as improvement to the WC auditorium

Improve member understanding of what the Foundation does and their relationship to GVR