Chat with the CEO 3.1.2021

Chat with the CEO 3.1.2021

Location: Abrego South

Attendees: 9


Most Common Themes

Rebuild the East Center pool as it was, not as a pool for competitive swimmers

Continue to expand hours and resume activities


What GVR Does Well

Offers a variety of clubs, programs, and activities

Maintains facilities

Prior to Covid, accessibility was great—open late into the evening

Value for dollar. “…an incredible bargain.”

Great staff. Staff has done well through Covid


What GVR Can Improve


Fiscal responsibility (Canoa Hills Clubhouse)

Address the needs of folks who struggle to access facilities


Favorite Thing?



Clay Studio


Nuggets, Notions and Stray Thoughts Worth Considering

Previous CEOs were often seen in the centers. Do that!

Bingo? Can GVR sponsor bingo games?