Policy Governance AD Hoc Committee Update
Effective September 1, 2020 your GVR Board of Directors implemented the Carver’s Policy Governance model. This is a gold-standard model for non-profit board governing based on top ten principles of effective and efficient governing. What this means to members is that the board will be focusing on big picture decisions regarding the overall direction GVR and less time focusing on the details of day-to-day functions tasked to the CEO (less micromanagement). Any organization functions best when roles are clearly delineated – everyone has a role and everyone focuses on their assigned role. These delineated roles state that the board is responsible to the membership and the CEO is responsible to the board. As a member, you should be seeing the board focus more on the review of policy, the monitoring of its own governing and personal conduct, and monitoring global CEO results. In addition, the Policy Governance Ad Hoc Committee will be making recommendations to the board on means of improving communication with membership.
The Policy Governance Ad Hoc committee is currently focusing on how to improve communication with membership. Thus far, improvements have included the board answering every email sent to them by members and recently requesting committee chairs to post a brief summary of meeting highlights in the Friday GVR eblast. We are also discussing a series of “mini-surveys” so as to keep our fingers on the pulse of membership and an annual survey so as to track overall trends in membership. Please join us for our upcoming meeting on Tuesday, October 6 at 10:00 via zoom.
Submitted: Beverly Tobiason and Bob Northrup
Board:Member Communications Update
The GVR Board of Directors has embarked upon a program to improve our member communications. Beginning in mid-August Board Secretary Beverly Tobiason and Assistant Secretary Mark Kelley have attempted to provide a personalized response to every email addressed to the Board. Some emails are of an operational nature and are referred to staff. Most emails reflect member comments, suggestions or concerns with GVR policies. In the 5 weeks since starting the new program, we responded to 215 emails.
As one would expect, the emails fall into 6 broad categories:
- East Center pool
- Dues
- Opening of facilities and the use of masks and cameras
- Pickleball and the naming of the new complex
- Board procedures
- Courteous communications
We welcome your input in our development of short and long term policies in keeping GVR the excellent recreational organization we have all enjoyed.
Fiscal Affairs Committee (FAC) Highlights
The August financial statements continue to show a loss in annual revenue for the year. Fortunately, the annual expenses are also down so our financial position looks positive for now. In October we will have a special budget work session to do an ‘in depth’ look at the budget for 2021.
The Fiscal Affairs Committee made two recommendations, which will go to the Board of Directors, during the meeting:
1) A motion for Corporate Policy Manual changes was approved to include the statement ‘GVR shall annually make the Reserve Contribution to the Maintenance, Repair and Replacement Reserve Fund called for in the Annual Reserve Study’. This item will be on the September 30 board meeting agenda for discussion and approval.
2) Additional funding to complete the build out of the Administration Office was approved by the FAC. Funding of $65,000 was approved in the 2020 Non Reserve Capital budget. This approval added an additional $20,000. This project includes HVAC and air quality work, construction of 6 new offices for staff and a staff conference room. The build out is in the area vacated by the Facilities Maintenance staff when they relocated to the Facilities Maintenance Building in 2018. This item will be on the September 30 board meeting agenda for discussion and approval.
Monthly financials can be found under the Governance tab on the GVR Financials page.
Next scheduled meetings:
Budget work session – Friday, Oct 9, 1:30 Zoom)
Oct monthly meeting – Tuesday, Oct 20, 1:30 (Zoom)
Donna Coon
Chair, Fiscal Affairs Committee